We are all looking for community, for a place where we belong and make a difference. No matter how connected our world gets, it still seems harder than ever to find. If you are looking for a place like that, let Alamance Presbyterian Church welcome you.
We long to be a community like the one Jesus imagined, one where everyone feels valued and cared for, where everyone comes to know our God more deeply and
has a chance to make the world a little better.
Alamance might be that place for you. We are bold enough to believe that you would make all the difference here.
September 22
10 a.m. worship
in the sanctuary
September 29
10 a.m. worship
in the sanctuary
October 6
10 a.m. worship
in the sanctuary
World Communion Sunday
Sign up for the Giant Puppet workshop
October 11-13
for ages 8 and up: children
must be accompanied by an adult
Cost is $30
Deadline is Oct. 1
In October, we’ll use grant funds to welcome Cheryl Capezzuti, founder of Puppets for Pittsburgh. She will lead us in a weekend-long (October 11-13) experience of designing and building giant puppets; to be used in APC ministries, and shared with the wider community.
Use the button below to register and pay for the workshop. Cost is $30, includes meals.
Friday, Oct. 11, 5:30-9 p.m.: Dinner & Design
Saturday, Oct. 12, 9-12; 1-6: All-day puppet build
Sunday, Oct. 13, 11-4; 5-6: Final touches,
puppet assembly, and closing parade