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Welcome to

Alamance Presbyterian


We are all looking for community, for a place where we belong and make a difference. No matter how connected our world gets, it still seems harder than ever to find. If you are looking for a place like that, let Alamance Presbyterian Church welcome you.


We long to be a community like the one Jesus imagined, one where everyone feels valued and cared for, where everyone comes to know our God more deeply and

has a chance to make the world a little better.


Alamance might be that place for you. We are bold enough to believe that you would make all the difference here.


10 a.m. worship

in the sanctuary

Congregational Meeting


after worship: To elect Elders, Class of 2027

Celebrate Andrew Long:

5 p.m., in Brown Fellowship Hall




January 19

January 26

10 a.m. worship

in the sanctuary

Third Sunday

after Epiphany

February 2

10 a.m. worship

in the sanctuary

Fourth Sunday

after Epiphany

Sunday School

There is always something happening at Alamance Presbyterian Church! We are currently offering these small groups and classes where our members and other people from the community can join to connect, learn, and grow.

Sundays beginning at 9am

Godly Play- Upper Level of Education Building 

Questions with Rev. Dr. Kyle Goodman- Parlor (Grant Building on the main floor)

Middle School Sunday School- Music Room (Below the Sanctuary)

High School Sunday School- Youth Room (Below the Sanctuary)

Shirley Andrews Class- UF on the elevator in  (Grant Building)

Reading through the Bible- Book nook UF (Grant Building)

Need to sign up to volunteer?

Use the button below to sign up for our many monthly and weekly outreach opportunities, as well as our vehicle usage sign ups. (For vehicles, you must complete insurance usage documents before use.)


“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” 

Proverbs 19:17

Alamance Presbyterian Church

4000 Presbyterian Road

Greensboro, NC  27406


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